We want to provide helpful, solid and easy to use open source packages.
Most of them will be for Laravel - but sometimes also plain PHP.
Enter the GitHub User's name and retrieve their full name, avatar and GitHub email address.
Transform your gaming experience with D&D Unit Converter - the ultimate tool for effortlessly converting between the various units used in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. Never get tripped up by confusing conversions again - with D&D Unit Converter, you'll be able to easily convert between different currencies, weights, volumes, and more!
This is a Laravel package for translatable models. Its goal is to remove the complexity in retrieving and storing multilingual model instances. With this package you write less code, as the translations are being fetched/saved when you fetch/save your instance.
A PHP package to replace native unicode emojis with their Twemoji images. The goal is to have the same functionality as the twemoji.js library in PHP.
This package provides a trait and class to allow calling methods based on a condition without breaking the method chain.
astrotomic / php-conditional-proxyA tab that fetches stackoverflow questions
astrotomic / ignition-stackoverflowAllows to cache attribute accessor values in an easy way.
astrotomic / laravel-cachable-attributesThis package provides Laravel bindings and a Eloquent/Model trait for pragmarx/recovery package.
astrotomic / laravel-auth-recovery-codesLaravel bindings and facade to generate imgix URLs and support for multiple sources.
astrotomic / laravel-imgixA fluent builder class for vCard files.
astrotomic / laravel-vcardLaravel integration of unavatar service.
astrotomic / laravel-unavatarSet of common PHPUnit custom assertions.
astrotomic / phpunit-assertionsThis is a Laravel Wrapper for the linfo package from jrgp
linfo / laravelA fluent URL generator for images.weserv.nl
astrotomic / php-weserv-imagesThis package provides a trait and class to call methods in a database transaction.
astrotomic / laravel-transaction-proxyThis package aims to provide the most common and flexible CMS features to your Laravel project.
astrotomic / stancyA PHP adapter for the python deepface framework.
astrotomic / php-deepfaceA fluent URL generator for images.weserv.nl with Laravel bindings.
astrotomic / laravel-weserv-imagesInteract with TMDB data in your Laravel application.
astrotomic / laravel-tmdbA PingPing tile for Laravel Dashboard
astrotomic / laravel-dashboard-pingping-tileA Citybikes tile for Laravel Dashboard
astrotomic / laravel-dashboard-citybikes-tileThis package adds snapshot testing capabilities to Laravel HTTP tests with Pest.
astrotomic / pest-plugin-laravel-snapshotsSimple Configuration Package for Monolog in Laravel.
astrotomic / laravel-monolog-configA simple drop-in solution for UUID support in your Eloquent models.
astrotomic / laravel-eloquent-uuidLaravel wrapper for guzzlehttp/guzzle
astrotomic / laravel-guzzleEmail Sender for the Notifynder package.
astrotomic / notifynder-sender-emailParses data from Instagram without API access.
astrotomic / instagram-parserRedis Sender for the Notifynder package.
astrotomic / notifynder-sender-redisAbstract SMS for the Notifynder sender.
astrotomic / notifynder-abstract-smsAbstract Call for the Notifynder sender.
astrotomic / notifynder-abstract-callSlack Sender for the Notifynder package.
astrotomic / notifynder-sender-slackTwilio Sender for the Notifynder package.
astrotomic / notifynder-sender-twilioNexmo Sender for the Notifynder package.
astrotomic / notifynder-sender-nexmoMessageBird Sender for the Notifynder package.
astrotomic / notifynder-sender-messagebirdA Laravel 5 package that implements the Symfony Po-Translation lib.
astrotomic / laravel-translationIf not other stated all our packages are licensed under MIT License (copy of license is in each package).
A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.
In addition to the MIT license all packages have also the Treeware additional license.
You're free to use our packages, but if one makes it to your production environment you are required to buy the world a tree (at least the lowest package
It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. If you support this package and contribute to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.
You can buy trees at
Read more about Treeware at
We strongly believe in a world full of diversity and equity!
They aim to make the world of Laravel development more accessible to women, non-binary and trans folk by promoting them, their accomplishments and projects, by providing networking and socialising opportunities, and by sharing resources.
Maintaining all the packages, creating new one and answering issues takes a lot of time.
There are several ways to help us with that - one way is to sponsor us via
Here you see all of our current sponsors - and we are thankful for every single one of them!
Several companies across the globe trust our work by using them in their own or customer projects.
We are proud to provide value and reusable code to developers all over the world.
Alle Wetter Kiel, Germany
Ampeco Hamburg, Germany
arbiträr Flensburg, Germany
Area 17 Paris, France
Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, Illinois, USA
Bagisto Noida, India
Cell 5 London, England
Code for Romania Bucharest, Romania
Daraya Software Solutions Bogor, Indonesia
Each + Every Kent, Ohio, USA
Elbgoods Hamburg, Germany
eXolnet Montreal, Canada
Frischepost Hamburg, Germany
Hexide Digital Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
IMTALabs ? ? ?
Kraenk Visuell Darmstadt, Germany
Letmotiv Lyon, France
Litstack Kiel, Germany
madnest Olomouc, Czech Republic
Marketopia Alexandria, Egypt
Mevisoft Callao, Peru
Sanjab Amol, Iran
Sindria inc. Italy
Soluzione Software srl Coriano, Italy
SWIS Leiden, Netherlands
TecnoDesign Ibagué, Colombia
Think Tomorrow Herentals, Belgium
Twill Paris, France
UnoPim Noida, India
visuellverstehen Flensburg, Germany
Webdesign7 London, England
Webkul Software Noida, India
Ytrade Group AB Stockholm, Sweden